Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Russian organic milk – myth, reality or new opportunities?

Authors: K. A. LESHCHUKOV, doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor, professor of department “Food of animal origin”, Orel State Agrarian University named after N. V. Parakhin (69 Generala Rodina Str., 302019, Orel; phone: +7 910 300-50-13; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Keywords: dairy farming, organic milk, production in the world, the price of organic milk, legislation, problems of development in Russia.

Abstract: With the adoption of the law “On organic products...”, state regulation and financial support of agricultural producers, the market of organic production in Russia becomes one of the drivers of the development of the agricultural sector. A distinctive feature of organic agricultural products its a high marginality, which is now becoming a new challenge for representatives of the agricultural business. The article discusses the relevance of organic milk production in Russia, presents the basics of regulatory and technical regulation of the organic milk market. To date, the volume of world production of certified organic milk according with research made by company Ecovia Intelligence of the total production is about 1 %. According to estimates of the Ministry of agriculture in 2018, milk production in the country increased by 400 thousand tons to 36.1 million tons while maintaining positive dynamics in 2019. The Ministry also noted the need to develop the export of dairy products from Russia by maintaining the level of state support. However, the cost of organic milk production is 1.5 times higher compared to traditional production. This is due to the additional costs of natural feed, land lease and in General the separation of the production of organic milk from traditional production. At the same time, the price of organic milk on average 30 % higher than the traditional, and in retail can reach 50 %. This indicates that the potential of organic dairy farming in the country exists and its development trends are obvious. An important problem now is the need for accredited organizations that would be authorized to carry out organic certification of milk and dairy products for compliance with Russian and international standards.

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