Authors: O. A. KHOLODOV, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, leading researcher, All-Russian research Institute of Economics and standards – branch of Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center (52 Sokolova Av., 344000, Rostov-on-Don)
Keywords: state regulation, agriculture, digital space, IT, land monitoring.
Abstract: The article focuses on the issues of state regulation of production and economic relations in the digital economy on the basis of IT-technologies, which are the key to their qualitative transformation. The mechanism of construction and functioning of the agricultural production management system on the example of a Single Federal information system on agricultural land (EFIS ZSN), which has a vertically integrated structure and is an electronic cartographic type of digitized agricultural land plots of all regions of Russia, with the possibility of entering information on each field. Analyzed the purpose of the establishment of the system and its capabilities in the online mode to obtain information about the acreage of agricultural land and crops, their Vegetational status and yield forecasting, qualitative condition of soil fertility, to identify unused land, etc. It is proved that the information in the frames of the studied system can be formed depending on the request by levels: country, Federal district, region, large agricultural commodity production, both in cartographic form and in the form of tables and graphs, which can be a significant help in making management decisions at the macro -, meso- and micro-levels. On materials of the Rostov region examined the time-consuming process, the formation of a regional information base, OFFICE of CHF. It is noted that the collection of information about the land users of agricultural lands, the placement of agricultural crops, the occupied area of arable land in the region was carried out by conducting a direct survey of representatives of agricultural enterprises and drawing on the cartographic material of the data obtained in order to update their fields. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the key to the success of the digitization of agricultural land and the development of this direction at the Federal level, is now fully dependent on regional policy in this matter.