Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Bulls-manufacturers assessment of the simmental cattle main lines on daughters productivity

Authors: E. A. ANISIMOVA, doctor of agricultural sciences, leading researcher, ARISER Research Institute of the South-East (7 Tulaykova Str., 410010, Saratov; phone: 8 917 215-81-39; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Keywords: simmental breed, genealogical line, selection, heredity, correlation coefficient, intermediate inheritance, dominance, overdominance, regression, additive inheritance, selection, screening.

Abstract: The article presents the estimation of Simmental breed bulls-producers by daughters productivity and the ratio of the inheritance forms of milk yield. A characteristic of 10 genealogical lines of the Simmental breed is according to a set of selectable features and the hereditary qualities of six genealogical linesbulls of are evaluated, used in the SEC „Abodimovskiy“ for 15 years by comparing the productivity of daughters and mothers for the first lactation. The daughters fat dairy improvers are bulls „Buyan 846“ (+ 0.06 %), „Neman 949“ (+ 0.08 %), „Chubuk 8106“ (+ 0.010 %), „Nivelir 724“ (+ 0.09 %), „Burevestnik 751“ (+ 0.17 %), „Nadezhnyi 552“ (+ 0.30 %).The influence of the bull on the productivity of daughters can be judged not only by milk yield and fat content in milk, but also by the coefficient of variability of these signs. Under the same conditions of feeding, housing and yielding of daughters and mothers, the prepotent bull gives more uniform offspring, it means the coefficients of variation of the values of characters in daughters are less than in mothers. Research has shown that the value of the correlation coefficient between mothers and daughters by milk yield, depending of the descendants fathers linear accessory, varied from –0.29 to +0.36.Of the total number of evaluated bulls, 15 bulls were given a more uniform offspring with a low correlation coefficient „daughter – mother“ on one of the selected features. The milk yield coefficients of heritability of Simmental cattle in this farm varied from 0.10 to 0.72, this proves that the selection of cows on the productivity of mothers with purebred breeding is quite possible and real.

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