Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Experimental substantiation of efficiency of import-substituting disinfectant Anolyte (ank+) in veterinary medicine


O. G. PETROVA, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor,

M. I. BARASHKIN, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor,

I. M. MILLSTEIN, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor,

S. V. PATRUSHEV, general director, 

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg),

PSV LLC (77 Sovetskaya Str., 620011, Sverdlovsk region, Sysert district, village Patrushi).

Abstract. The unfavorable epizootological situation associated with the annual increase in the total number of infectious diseases, the constant replenishment of the existing nomenclature of infectious diseases due to new and returning infections (from 1 to 3 diseases per year, against which there are no vaccines) create real threats associated not only with the involvement of a large number of animals in this epizootological process, but also with a heavy burden of additional costs for the state. Non-specific prevention due to the lack of vaccines against the absolute majority of infections plays a crucial role in eliminating the outbreak and further stopping the spread of infectious diseases. Disinfection is of great importance among all veterinary and sanitary measures aimed at preventing or eliminating infectious diseases of animals, birds and humans, as it blocks the second link in the epizootic chain. Disinfecting objects of the environment, disinfection eliminates the factors and mechanisms of transmission of pathogenic and opportunistic viruses and bacteria from the source of infection to the susceptible organism. Veterinary specialists should take into account many factors that affect the quality of disinfection: high contamination of air and equipment with bacteria, viruses and fungi, the presence in the biocenosis of multi-resistant strains that are resistant to most antimicrobial drugs and disinfectants. The leading role is given to the selection of disinfectants, which should have a wide microbicidal activity, providing in low concentrations suppression of spores, bacteria, viruses, fungi, short exposure, no destructive effect on the structure, have a low cost of working solutions, be safe for people and the environment. Today, the main method of disinfection is chemical, based on the use of a wide range of disinfectants. One of the promising areas is the use of peroxide compounds, aerosols which meet the requirements of environmental cleanliness.

Keywords: disinfection, animals, anolyte (ANK+), nonspecific prevention, veterinary objects, pathogens, decontamination, electrochemical activated solution.

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