Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Tuberculosis small pets-socially significant threat infection


O. G. PETROVA, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor,

M. I. BARASHKIN, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor,

I. M. MILLSTEIN, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg).

Abstract.  Environmental disaster of the XXI century declared tuberculosis. This has been done by the world health organization and the international Union against tuberculosis and lung diseases. In addition, the disease is recognized as a problem of global danger. March 27 is declared the world tuberculosis day. It was on this day that the German scientist Robert Koch received the causative agent of tuberculosis in pure culture on coagulated blood serum and made a report about his discovery at a meeting of the Berlin physiological society in 1882. 130 years have passed. A powerful system of diagnosis and prevention of tuberculosis has been created in the world. Tuberculosis retreats, but does not give up. The issues of natural foci of tuberculosis remain almost unexplored: the list of the main species of synanthropic and wild animals – carriers of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic (atypical) mycobacteria; the mechanisms of their transmission among wild animals, livestock farms and back to the wild fauna; the terms of the survival of pathogens in various objects of the environment (soil, water, plants, etc.), the role of ticks and winged insects in the circulation of pathogens have not been finalized.It is known that sick dogs and cats are the cause of infection with tuberculosis of cattle. In the literature of diseases of dogs and cats ar often lit briefly, without taking into account modern possibilities of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of many diseases that relates to tuberculosis dogs and cats. There is still no accurate data on the epidemic situation on tuberculosis in dogs and cats in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, including Russia. Insufficiently studied the symptoms of the disease, which greatly complicates the clinical recognition of tuberculosis of dogs and cats, there are no effective methods of diagnostics and specific prevention of the disease. Home carnivores because of their biological characteristics require a certain approach to the diagnosis and elimination of infectious diseases to which they are susceptible. Dogs and cats areoften exposed to tuberculosis. Infection with tuberculosis in dogs and cats in cities is associated with the incidence of tuberculosis of their owners, and in rural areas - in disadvantaged tuberculosis cattle farms. Insufficient knowledge of tuberculosis of domestic animals (dogs and cats), the lack of effective methods of diagnosis and specific prevention and inferiority of veterinary and sanitary measures, as well as the relevance of the above problems from both theoretical and practical points of view, are of great importance in science.

Keywords: tuberculosis, mycobacteria, socially significant infection, domestic carnivorous animals, diagnostic methods, urban ecosystem, prevention, complex of antiepizootic measures.

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