I. N. MIKOLAYCHIK, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,
L. A. MOROZOVA, doctor of biological sciences, professor,
G. U. ABILEVA, teacher,
A. V. ILTYAKOV, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor,
E. S. STUPINA, candidate of agricultural sciences,
Kurgan State Agricultural Academy by T. S. Maltsev (Lesnikovo village, Ketovsky district, Kurgan region, 641300, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Abstract. The modern biotechnology industry pays great attention to the production of feed additives, in particular, probiotic and prebiotic agents, aimed at stimulating nonspecific immunity, preventing and treating diseases caused by impaired microbiocenosis of the digestive tract. Studies have been conducted on black-and-white cows during the winter-winter period. The effect of probiotic and prebiotic additives on the digestibility of nutrients in highly productive cows, as well as their milk production and milk quality, was assessed. It was found that cows 3 of the experimental group had higher digestibility factors of nutrients, consumed in addition to the basic ration the probiotic additive “Lactur” in the amount of 1 kg/t and the prebiotic additive “Acid Lac” in the amount of 1,5 kg/t from the mass of concentrated feed by compared with the control, 1 and 2 experimental groups on: dry matter by 2.15 %, 0.68 and 1.43 %; organic matter ‒ by 2.05 %, 0.55 and 1.4 1%; crude protein – by 2.72 % (P < 0.05), 0.93, and 1.19 %; crude fat – by 3.38%, 1.13 and 2.70 %, crude fiber – by 2.73 % (P <0.05), 0.84 and 2.26 %; BEV – by 1.50 %, 0.28 and 1.06 %, respectively. Milk yield of natural fat content in cows 3 of the experimental group exceeded control by 289 kg, or 8.32%, and milk yield analogues 1 and 2 of the experimental groups by 68.7 kg (1.86 %) and 110.3 kg (3.02 % ) respectively. The dry matter content is the highest in milk 3 of the experimental group, exceeding the control group, 1 and 2 experimental groups by 0.27 %; 0.09 and 0.12 %, respectively, and the level of fat in the milk of cows in the experimental groups averaged 4.08 %, which is 0.7 % more compared to the same indicator in the control group. A higher protein content was in the milk of cows from the 3 experimental group: by 0.11 % more than the control and by 0.02 and 0.05 % compared with the 1 and 2 experimental groups, respectively.
Keywords: energy and nitrogen use, cows, milk productivity, probiotics, prebiotics.
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