E. A. PASHCHENKO, postgraduate,
O. A. VAGAPOV, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor,
South Ural state agrarian University (13 Gagarina str., Troitsk, 457105; phone: 8 922 746-90-70; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
O. G. LORETS, doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, O. A. BYKOVA, doctor of agricultural Sciences, docent, Ural state agrarian University (42 K.Liebknecht str., Ekaterinburg, 620075; phone: +7 950-442-94-34; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Abstract: The results of the introduction into the diet of bulls of black-and-white breed of biologically active additives (BAA) Ara- min, produced on the basis of extracts from alfalfa. The experimental part of the work was performed in the LLC “Lower Sanarka” Troitsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. The gobies of the control group received the basic ration (RR) adopted at the farm, and the bulls of 1nd, 2nd and 3nd experimental groups received a 10 % aqueous solution of dietary supplements Aramin in the amount of 20 in addition to the main feeds; 30 and 40 mg/kg body weight for 10 days by drinking. The feeding of the drug was performed twice with an interval of 3 months. Found that the dietary supplement Eramin had a positive im- pact on the performance of meat productivity of gobies of the black‒and‒white breed. The mass of steam mascara in animals of the experimental groups compared with the control peers was higher by 13.3‒26.2 %. The maximum slaughter yield was observed in bulls of the 2nd experimental group (57.61 %), the minimum ‒ in the control (52.2 %). Output pulp in 1nd, 2nd and 3nd experimental groups amounted to 68.72; 69.89; 68.54 %; in the control group ‒ 61.10 %. The maximum energy value of 1 kg of pulp was set in samples of pulp 2nd of the experimental group – 7.45 MJ, which exceeded the value of this indicator in the control group by 11.5 %, in 1 experimental group ‒ by 13.2 % and in 3nd experimental group ‒ by 14.4 %. The yield of protein, fat and energy per 1 kg of pre‒slaughter body weight in the bulls of the experimental groups receiving the Aramin dietary supplement was higher than in the control group and had the maximum value in the second experimental group ‒ 70.57 g; 32.32 g and 2.76 MJ, respectively. Thus, the process of protein conversion and feed energy is more efficient compared to the control counterparts, held in the group receiving the additive in the amount of 30 mg/kg body weight.
Keywords: meat productivity, protein conversion, feed energy conversion, biologically active additive, Eramine.