Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Assessment of efficiency of activity of peasant farms of the Kurgan region


S. G. GOLOVINA, doctor of economic sciences, professor, leading specialist of the department on scientific, innovative work and doctorate, 

E. A. MYLNIKOV, postgraduate student,

E. E. POGARTSEVA, postgraduate student,

L. N. SMIRNOVA, candidat of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of economics and organization of agribusiness,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Libknekht Str., Ekaterinburg, 620075; phone: + 7 922-149-06-57), 

Belgorod State Agrarian University, (104/26 Koli Myagotina Str.; Kurgan, 641300; phone: + 7 912-522-69-45),

Kurgan State Agricultural Academy (KGSHA, village of Lesnikovo, Kurgan Region, Ketovsky area, 641300; phone +7 912-212-68-17).

Abstract. This article presents the results of the investigation of activity efficiency different parameters of family farms in the Kurgan region (in the modern socio-economic and institutional environment). As a result, on the basis of carried out empirical research was indicated, firstly, insufficient level of modern agricultural machinery provision for family farms in the Kurgan region, secondly, low rates of the efficiency of production factors utilization by farmers. While attention is drawn to the fact that family farms greatly inferior (due to objective and subjective reasons) agricultural organizations on the effectiveness of agricultural activities. Moreover the difference between join-stock agricultural company and family farms on indicators of profitability and efficiency are substantial in previous years and in the present. Also it was emphasized the low tradability of basic commodities which produced by family farms. Moreover, in the article the emphasis was made primarily on family farms functioning results, which not only economic efficiency. Based on the concept of multifunctionality (which is popular in the agrarian economic science), authors insist to take into account: the territorial aspect of family farms activity; their integration in rural areas and rural society; their contribution to solving various social and environmental problems of rural areas and communities.

Keywords: family farms, economic efficiency, multifunctionality, fixed assets, land, profitability, state support.

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