L. N. PURTOVA, doctor of biological sciences, chief researcher,
Ya. O. TIMOFEEVA, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher,
V. M. BOSENKO, postgraduate student,
Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS (159 Stoletiya Vladivostoka str., 690022, Vladivostok; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
Primorsky Research Institute of Agriculture (30 Volozhenina str., 692539, Ussuriisk, vil. Timeryazevsky).
Abstract. The results of studies of changes in main indices of humus state of energy resources and soils related to the content of humus and mineral part agrodarkhumus gley soils with crops of Galega orientalis under the influence of different techniques of tillage (harrowing, disking) with mineral fertilizers was produce. The variation of main physical-chemical and agrochemical properties of soils was studied. A general tendency to increase of humus content in the investigated variants of the experiment with the sowing of Galega orientalis was noted. The amount of humus corresponds to the level of average and below average, and humus stocks of average values. Higher levels of humus content are recorded on variants 2 (without treatments), 5 (disking) with fertilization at a dose of N45P60K60 and N90P120K120 without treatment and option 9 (harrowing). Harrowing and discarding of soils with the use of mineral fertilizers led to increased mobility of humus and an increase in its composition of fulvic acid fractions. For the studied variants of experience in 2017 (N45P60K60 + disking, N90P120K120 + disking, N90P120K120 + harrowing) characteristic fulvic-humatic and fulvic (N45P60K60 + harrowing) type of humus formation. Various methods of agrotechnical processing in crops Galega orientalis caused changes in the composition of humic acids. When discarding the soil, significant changes were observed in the variant with the introduction of mineral fertilizers N90P120K120 in which the share of «free» humic acids decreased from medium to low values. Harrowing of agrodarkhumus gley soils with fertilization N45P60K60 caused increased mobility of humic acids, which led to an increase in the share of «free» humic acids to high values. Energy reserves of soils are calculated and energy efficiency of application of mineral fertilizers N45P60K60 is established.
Keywords: soils, humus, physico-chemical properties of soils, humus assessment, Galega orientalis, soil energy, fertilizers, fertility.