Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Content of essential elements in myrtus communis L.’s raw material into main phenological phases


E. V. DUNAYEVSKAYA, researcher,

L. A. LOGVINENKO, researcher,

Nikitsky Botanical garden (winner of the «Red Banner of Labour» award) – National RAS Research Center (52 Nikita descent str., 298648, p.g.t. Nikita, Yalta, Republic of Crimea; e-mail: dunaevskai_ev@

Abstract. The content of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn in myrtle leaves, fruits and one year shoots cut at the end of vegetation has been studied over the main developmental stages of the plant to determine the days of annual raw materials gathering on the Southern coast of Crimea. The content of Ca and Mg were determined by a complexometric method using S-115 PKS atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the content of K – in emission mode; the content of Zn, Fe, Mn и Cu – in absorption mode. The studied raw material is characterized by a high content of manganese (14.80 mg/kg in fruits, 56.25 mg/kg in one year shoots and 20.22– 48.16 mg/kg in leaves) as well as of magnesium (1700 mg/kg in fruits, 2480 mg/kg in one year shoots and 2060–4460 mg/kg in leaves). The content of potassium varies between 1.65 and 3.25 maximum norms of human daily use rate in 1 kg of the raw material: 4960 mg/kg in one-year shoots, 6360 mg/kg in fruits and 6640–9750 mg/kg in leaves. Myrtus communis L.’s fruits are characterized by the maximum content of Ferrum and zinc in comparison with other samples – 121.6 mg/kg and 23.9 mg/kg respectively. The content of these elements in one-year shoots is the lowest (10.62 mg/kg and 6.36 mg/kg respectively); the content of cuprum is the highest (6.07 mg/kg). The greatest amount of potassium, iron and copper in Myrtus communis L.’s leaves is contained in the vegetative growth phase; of calcium, zinc and manganese - in the flowering phase of the plant, and of magnesium ‒ in the phase of technological maturity.

Keywords: Myrtus communis L., myrtle, essential elements, potassium, calcium, magnesium, Ferrum, zinc, cuprum, manganese, daily use rate.

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