Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Improvement of means and methods of diagnostics of brucellosis of northern deer in the conditions of Yakutia


E. S. SLEPTSOV, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor,

N. V. VINOKUROV, candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher,

V. I. FEDOROV, candidate of veterinary sciences, leading researcher,

I. I. GRIGORYEV, junior researcher,

O. I. ZAKHAROVA, competitor,

Yakut scientific research institute of agriculture named after M. G. Safronov (23/1 Bestuzheva-Marlinskogo str., 677001, Yakutsk). 

Abstract. In the article describes the sensitivity and specificity of the immunodiffusion reaction (IR) with O-polysaccharide antigen and the indirect hemagglutination reaction with the brucellosis erythrocyte antigen (IHGR) in the brucellosis of reindeer in a comparative aspect with AR and CFR performed in reindeer breeding farms of Yakutia. On a large factual basis, we obtained positive results indicating the possibility of using reindeer brucellosis as a differential method of IR with O-PS antigen in complex postvaccinal diagnostics. Specificity of IR indications was confirmed both in the vaccinated and unvaccinated population of the brucellosis free in deer farms. The absence of postvaccinal antibodies in animals was established two and more months after vaccination and revaccination with AR and CFR even in very high titers. Subsequently, the specificity of IR with O-PS antigen was tested when the healthy reindeer were infected with the reference strain B.suis 1330. In a study of naturally deer patients in brucellosis-deficient flocks, it was found that in all cases, the IHGR detected 7.7–10.2 % more reactive than AR and CFR combined, and the coincidence of the IHGR with the data of the AR and CFR was 97 %. The diagnostic efficiency of IHGR and its advantage over AR and CFR was confirmed, also, in the study of vaccinated B.abortus 82 and 75/79-AB at various times after vaccination. The maximum sensitivity of this reaction is also evidenced by the limiting titers of the IHGR, which exceeded those of AR by 1.2–5.9 times, depending on the group of animals studied. Thus, the search for and improvement of new tools and methods of diagnosis will be the basis of the fight against brucellosis of reindeer.

Keywords: brucellosis, infection process, immunity, strain, epizootic process, vaccine, reindeer.

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