Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Private farms of citizens in the system of food security


N. B. FATEEVA, senior lecturer,

M. S. SEREBRENNIKOVA, senior lecturer,

L. N. PETROVA, assistant of department,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta str., 620075, Ekaterinburg).

Abstract. The definition of the concept and essence of personal subsidiary farm as an economic category involves the identification of its place and role in social production and agriculture, in particular. Generalization of the theory and practice shows that the farm is a certain objectively developed in Russia type of economic structure. Historically, it has been a source beginning in the development of families and the total population in selecteddirectory of the country. This is one of the forms of natural production, aimed at providing the family with personal work of their objective needs (necessary and sufficient), means for life. The free sale through the market of part of the products produced in the farm allows the rural family to meet their own needs for food. The success in the development of smallholders largely depends not only on the strengthening of the economy of the village, the welfare of its inhabitants, but also the provision of citizens with food of domestic production. The strategy for the development of smallholders should be linked to the overall strategy of agricultural development, with the development strategy of rural areas, which, in turn, should be consistent with the strategy of national economy. The main disadvantages of smallholders are low productivity of factors of production; insufficient provision of material and technical resources; low cost recovery; low awareness (on the development of smallholders). All of these disadvantages of subsistence farming are mainly due to the limited individual, small-scale, use of resources (production, marketing, supply, etc.). Actually the term «subsistence farming» indicates the subsidiary nature of the PSF. Historically, subsidiary farms have appeared as an addition to larger forms of economy (collective and state farms). Often, according to many managers of collective farms, smallholdings interfere with collective work, which reduced its performance.

Keywords: private farms, rural areas, food security.

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