V. V. STEPANOVA, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher,
Institute of biological problems of the cryolithozone SD RAS (41 Lenin av., 677891, Yakutsk; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Abstract. In April 2006 30 Wood Bison including 15 females and 15 males were delivered to Central Yakutia from Elk Island National Park of Canada. In March 2011, was delivered the second batch of 30 bison calves (20 females and 10 males). The paper presents the results of ethological research in paddock wood bison, in particular, the facts of observations of the hierarchical and sexual relations in the herd. The aggressive behavior of bison was different: bowing of head and subsequent chasing; frontal attack; sideway and back horning; mounting of male on male; horning of recumbents; kicking. The most commonly observed frontal collision between males. Aggression towards other individuals often are males 77.8 %. Females and calves aggressiveness less of 19.1 %. Sometimes there were clashes calves – 3.1 %. Acclimatizate took part in reproduction in the third year of life. The first litter in 2008 amounted to six calves. The sexual behavior of males includes the desire for rapprochement with the cow, sniffing and licking females, fleming, rubbing and poking the muzzle, he flips his head on the back of the female, pinning her to the side, urinatio, copulation. We have observed the following positions of the male and female in the following decreasing, posledovatelnosti: parallel, serial, angled back parallel. The most characteristic bison parallel position (64.1 %) as bison.
Keywords: wood bison, acclimatizants, ethology, behavior, hierarchy, aggression, reproduction, estrus, libido, positions.
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