Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The current state of hydraulic structures of Yakutia central regions’ agricultural water supply objects (on example of the agricultural water supply hydraulic structures of the Sakha Republic State Basin Authority «Uprmeliovodkhoz»)


M. I. LOSKIN, first deputy head,

A. I. KNYSH, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, head of the chair,

State Bank for Land Reclamation and Agricultural Water Supply of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (20 Tolstogo str., 677000, Yakutsk), 

Omsk State Agrarian University (1 Institutskaya sq., 644008, Omsk).

Abstract. The article covers the results of research of the current state of agricultural water supply objects’ hydraulic structures of Yakutia central regions. The mentioned territory belongs to those with acute lack of water resources, which has always been a restraining factor of agricultural production development. To solve this problem, the systems of hydraulic structures were built along the minor rivers in the 80s of the last century. These structures provided water to all the settlements of Central Yakutia. The named objects are of great value for providing process and drinking water and also for productive microclimate of settlements. Building of all hydraulic constructions used the principle of building with preservation of maintenance soil of constructions in a frozen state. The majority of hydraulic dams are of great technology generated risk because of their closeness to the settlements and their cascaded arrangement on river-valleys. To study the problem, we held cameralistic and field investigation of engineering status of constructions and volumes of operation events’ program financing. The research results showed that as of today, the majority of hydraulic constructions require new approaches on safe operation, aside from urgent reconstruction and repair works. The new approaches are due to the change of natural and climatic conditions and harm of earthmoving animals that causes reduction of constructions’ safety level. Safe operation of constructions require the need to reconsider the parameters of the operational events’ program financing in view of climate warming, harm of earthmoving animals and other factors. On the results of research, we propose recommendations on further safe operation.

Keywords: hydraulic structures of agricultural water supply, water service of settlements, low-pressure ground dams, Yakutia central regions, safe operation, climate warming, temperature conditions of reservoirs, frost actions.

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