V. F. Popovych, senior scientist,
Ye. A. Dunaieva, candidate of technical science, head of laboratory,
Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea (150 Kievskaya str., 295453, Simferopol; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Abstract. The paper presents the results of studies of the territory of former rice technogenic systems of the Crimea on the identification of signs of secondary salinization in the transition to rainfed system of farming, using the Earth remote sensing data (RS). The peculiarities of building of these systems, which were created about half a century ago in the majority on saline soils of different solonetzicity, and functioning in the current conditions, as well as the most probable causes of degradation soil processes on these lands are described. The aim of the work was to study indirect parameters that can characterize the factors of the processes of salinity restoration displaying and its possible temporal and spatial dynamics. Comparison of the sensitivity of 6 vegetation and 5 specialized indices, calculated from the satellite Landsat 8 data of 2–7 channels (resolution 30 m) for obtaining spatial estimates, focused on the localization of problem areas, and recommendations for detailisation of monitoring observations level, incl. using the remote sensing data, are given. The most significant value of the deviation parameter when detecting degradation processes, was shown by the normalized difference vegetation index NDVI Green and the salinity index, responsive to the surface state – CRSI. The difference in their values for the field as a whole and for the problem area, expressed by the number of standard deviations, reached 5.0 and 4.3, respectively. The approaches, used in the work, made it possible to identify and localize a number of problem areas; however, the use of only indirect indicators may not be effective for salinity restoration diagnostics in the early stages of degradation soil processes development.
Keywords: salinization, satellite monitoring, vegetation index, Landsat, Crimea.
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