V. G. Loginov, doctor of economical sciences, associate professor, divisional manager,
M. N. IgnatYeva, doctor of economical sciences, professor, leading researcher,
A. A. Litvinova, candidate of economical sciences, associate professor, senior researcher,
M. S. Kubarev, candidate of economical sciences, associate professor,
Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (29 Moscowskaya str., 620014, Ekaterinburg; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
Ural State Mining University (30 Kuibyshev str., 620144, Ekaterinburg; e-mail: Kubarev This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Abstract. The article substantiates the fundamental methodological aspects that predetermine the creation of conditions for balanced forest management in the process of state regulation. It includes, firstly, the priority of environmental targets in comparison with economic ones, which requires the mandatory preservation of the mechanism of biotic regulation with an increase in the volume of used forest resources. The implementation of this principle predetermines the organization of forestry based on the continuous sustainable use of forests. The second aspect concerns the coherence of exploitation processes with respect to forest potential and its renewal. We explore the possibility of returning to the practice of target pays for the renewal and protection of forests, that were previously provided for by tax and forest legislation, the increase of forest potential due to reclamation work on forest lands, as well as the improvement of the quality of planting material, which provides the evaluation of forest resources and a great survival of planting material. Formulas are proposed for calculating the effectiveness of rehabilitation of forest lands and the effectiveness of using forest genetic reserves in the renewal of forest resources. The third aspect is to increase the importance of protecting forest resources in the face of forest depletion, both planetary and national. The article shows the data on losses in the forest sector due to poaching and forest fires in Russia. We propose to improve the compensation mechanism linked with compensation for losses due to violation of forest legislation, the introduction of identification of exported legally harvested wood and the creation of a trust fund for state support of the forest sector. The fourth aspect concerns the prevention of free use of forest resources, which requires procedure improvement for granting the right to use defined by law.
Keywords: state regulation, forest management, methodological aspects, inexhaustibility, renewal, security, chargeability.
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