Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Taxonomical and biological structure of the segetal flora in Sverdlovsk region


P. V. KONDRATKOV, junior researcher,

A. S. TRETYAKOVA, doctor of biological sciences, associate professor,

Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin (19 Mira str., 620002, Ekaterinburg).

Abstract. A study of the segetal plants species composition is essential to understanding the formation of anthropogenic developments in plant community and to design an effective management system for weed infestation of crops. The aim of the paper is to analyze comprehensively the segetal flora in Sverdlovsk region. The objects are segetal plants species composition in crop plantings. The research was performed in 2015–2017 by traditional route reconnaissance method which covered all districts in the region that have cultivated areas. The features of taxonomical, florogenetical, biomorphological and cenotic structure of the segetal plants examined and differential peculiarities of its native and adventitious fraction shown. In results 256 species, 166 genera and 41 families were revealed. The principal species rich families were Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae and Brassicaceae and the principal species rich genera were Vicia, Potentilla, Persicaria and Rumex. Native plants formed a most part of segetal flora – 148 species. Adventitious plants fraction included 108 species (42 %). Among the native plants wide range species prevailed: Holarctic, Eurasian and European-West Asian mainly pluriregional and boreal. The most of adventitious plants had a Eurasian origin. The segetal flora composed exceptionally by herbaceous plants. About a half of its were monocarpic herbs (51 %). Among the polycarpic plants, rhizogenous (16 %) and taproot (13 %) herbs were the most numerous groups. Meadow plants (90 species or 35 %) and plants from exposed places (88 species or 34 %) were the cenotic groups with the most species number. In results five new adventitious plants were found out: Solanum schultesii Opiz, Centaurea jacea L., Veronica persica Poir., Silene dichotoma Ehrh., Sinapis alba L.

Keywords: Sverdlovsk region, segetal flora, native species, adventitious species.

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