A. I. LATYSHEVA, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,
Perm State Agrarian Technological University (23 Petropavlovskaya str., 614990, Perm).
Abstract. A quarter of a century the country’s economy is developing on a market basis. At the conceptual-methodological basis of developing the new Russian State statistics in accordance with international accounting standards. During the period of statistical observation gave an objective information of the economic condition of the country at all levels of government, business, education and science. Preliminary results of the All-Russian agricultural census in 2016, once again confirmed the high quality of domestic statistics. This event proved once again the reliability of the new measuring socioeconomic outcomes. This comprehensive study revealed tendencies of development of the rural economy for the foreseeable future and laid the theoretical basis for the implementation of the state programme «Digital economy of Russia». This leads to a special relevance and great theoretical and practical significance of scientific work. In the modern economy statistics remain a vital instrument of measurement, definition and management of socio-economic processes in rural areas. Official information necessary for making important government decisions, for the development and implementation of innovative agricultural projects. A special place, in this case, is information and communication tools of statistical research.
Keywords: official statistics, digital agriculture, the census concept, innovative agricultural projects, structural changes in the economy, initiating updates.