N. M. DEBKOV, researcher, candidate of agricultural sciences,
A. S. OPLETAEV, associate professor, candidate of agricultural sciences,
S. V. ZALESOV, professor, vice-rector on scientific work,
The institute of climatic and ecologic system monitoring (10/3 Academician avenue, 634055, Tomsk, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
Ural State Forest Engineering University (37 Sibirskiy tract, 620100, Ekaterinburg).
Abstract. The paper deals with the south taiga forest diversity stands with cedar participation (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) in composition of stands Pervomaisky forest district of Tomscky region cited as an example. At is noted that as a result of clear cutting and forest fires that were the cause of species change the share of soft wooded broadleaved stands constitutes 64.7 % in the forest fund of the forest district. The stands with cedar Siberian participation in stands composition range from 30–40 % of growing stock and they constitute 34–30 % of the whole area of cedar stands accordingly. At is worth to point out that only 6 % of cedar stands in stands composition the share of cedar Siberian exceeds 70 %. The most spread are varions gross (30 %) and moss (27 %) cedar groups of forest types. Various grass cedar groups of forest types are characterized in the south taiga subzone by maximum productivity. For nut harvesting besides varions grass cedar stands are perepective mossy and mossy berries groups of forest types as well, treis share constitute 17 % of the whole cedar stands area. Clear cutting carrying on in cedar stands and in potential south taiga cedar stands can upset the genetic fund of cedar stands.
Keywords: cedar stands, south taiga, West Siberia, types of forests, age structure, species composition.
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