A. F. DMITRIEV, doctor of biological sciences, professor,
Stavropol State Agricultural University (12 Zootecheskii Av., 355017, Stavropol; tel.: +7 865 272-62-80; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Abstract. In operation the epizootic situation on brucellosis in the Province of Al-Hassaka Syrian Arab Republic is considered. Dynamics of incidence of farm animals within 4 years is analyzed. Special attention is paid on the frequency of abortions of called this infection from 2013 to 2016. The highest level of abortions registered at small cattle in 2016 and made 7.6 %. Despite improving of an epizootic situation of brucellosis of animals, the problem of improvement of a livestock of the cattle is finally not solved. Detection of sick animals and unsuccessful points not only does not decrease, but also tends to increase. Specification of the reasons of the long trouble and origins of new cases of a disease in safe farms is necessary. Proceeding from it, a study the epizootic of features of brucellosis of farm animals in regional aspect is fundamental in enhancement of measures of fight against this disease in the modern economic conditions. In article results of a study of seropositivity in case of brucellosis are provided to the period in the territory of Syria. It is set that during the analyzable period the brucellosis was registered at large and small cattle. Scientists observed the considerable lowering of quantity the seropositivity of animals among not vaccinated cattle. The number of the reacting small cattle, on the contrary, was characterized by a tendency to increase. Infection with a brucellosis of newborns large and small cattle resulted in extensive economic damage, lowering of fatness and dairy productivity, cases stillborn were marked, slaughter of sick animals and the most dangerous is the fact that animals sick with a brucellosis are the main sources of a disease of people of this infection.
Keywords: brucellosis, abortion, vaccination, young ewes, heifers, large cattle, small cattle.