Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The continuous approach to social and economic increase in effective management of social production


N. A. POTEKHIN, doctor of economic sciences, professor,

V. N. POTEKHIN, candidate of economic sciences,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Libknehta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg; tel.: +7 908 91-80-357; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Abstract. Significant disadvantages of the most common scientific bases, theories and methodologies knowledge and development management of social reproduction, which is the basis of dogmatism, the possibility of only partial knowledge of socio-economic phenomena. This creates prerequisites for the formation of the system about the goals, principles, criteria, perversion of the meaning of life, internal and external crises. Marked is the basis of mostly subjective-contractual methods of research, development, adoption and implementation of unreasonable management decisions. The article discusses the new production approach to the study of socio-economic phenomena and reveals his presuppositions in the form of new scientific database covering over the extended set of universal socio-economic laws of social development in nature; the theory of evolutionary transformation of the economy, a systemic holistic interdisciplinary methodology, contributing to a full and objective knowledge of the management of social reproduction. Stands out the system of vertical-horizontal flow that reflects the direct feedback of the subjects and objects of management, the central process flow, support, swirl, reactive flows, allowing for a detailed process of production and management to the smallest detail and comprehensively on all levels of management. This approach creates the opportunity to learn a socio-economic phenomenon completely, to reflect their objective of a unified system of dimensions of physical quantities, in kWh and other comparable and comparable units of measurement across all levels of management in real time (past, present, future). At the same time reveals theoretical, methodological and practical significance of applying the production approach in socio-economic studies of processes of management of social reproduction, in the development of the social sciences, creating a set of prerequisites for a full and objective knowledge of the status and trends, the exclusion of subjectivism and voluntarism in the management. For stakeholder management creates widespread opportunity in advance, at the stage of research to determine a deadlock and the most efficient ways, forms, methods of further development and development management of social reproduction by levels of management.

Keywords: continuous approach, socio-economic research, management of social reproduction, socio-economic efficiency, socio-economic laws, models of development, new generation of economic theory, system-holistic interdisciplinary methodology.

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