Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The effectiveness of probiotics in the production of high-quality milk


candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

doctor of biological sciences, professor,

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,

doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Libknehta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg; tel.: +7 912 227-02-51; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Abstract. Studies of the effectiveness of probiotics were conducted in dairy herds of black and motley breed. To realize this goal, three groups of cows of different ages were formed using the method of balanced groups. The groups studied are balanced by the date of the last calving, live weight, age in lactations, linearity, conditions of maintenance and feeding. Experienced groups of cows were hygienically treated with udder nipples after milking with a solution based on probiotic PiP in different concentrations during the second or third month of lactation: the first group was a control (the technology adopted in the farm), the second group was a 5 % probiotic solution, the third group — 2.5 % probiotic solution. It was found that when the udders are processed after milking with a concentrated solution based on the probiotic PiP, the daily milk yield increases (by 2.5–2.7 kg), the animals are more vigorously discharged (0.23 kg/min), the udder decreases after milking (2.1–5.2 %). Bacterial seeding and the number of somatic cells that characterize the hygiene of milk production and predisposition of animals to mastitis are reduced to the minimum level (class 1 and 170 thousand in 1 ml of milk, respectively). Organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators of the milk obtained meet the requirements for high-grade milk. When using a 2.5 % probiotic solution, the milk yield, milk quality and udder characteristics were not inferior to those in the cows group, where a 5 % probiotic solution was used for udder hygiene, which saves considerable concentrate consumption in the enterprises. In order to increase the daily yield of animals, improve the technological properties and health of the udder, improve the quality of the milk received, and also save resources for zootechnical and veterinary services of enterprises engaged in the production of cow’s milk, we suggest using lactation for the treatment of udder after milking a solution on the basis of probiotic means PiP in a concentration of 2.5 %.

Keywords: daily milk yield, udder properties, physico-chemical properties of milk, udder processing after milking, probiotic solution, milking intensity, udder fallability, bacterial milk contamination, somatic cells.

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