YU. V. ZARIPOV, post-graduate student,
E. S. ZALESOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor,
A. I. CHERMNYKH, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor,
A. G. MAGASUMOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor,
URAL STATE FOREST ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY (37 Sibirskiy tract Str., 620100, Ekaterinburg)
Abstract. The paper touches upon forest recultivation on dumps formed in the process of mineral raw production. The possibility to create highly productive artificial pine stands on chrysotil – asbestos dumps has been proved experimentally. To achieve the desired results tecnnical recultivation of the dump has been carried out. The lather means a layer of clay and of an overburden forming of 0.8–1.0 thickness and its posterior leveling forest recultivation lies in forest plantations forming with 2 year old plantlets of common pine without any soil preparation for lack of competition as concerns field layer chemistry maintenance of plantations is not carried out Forest management means thinning carrying on as a result of which dry, damaged, ill, irreversibly oppressed trees as well as trees with undesirable stem and crown forms are cut out Forest stat inning in the process of thinning improves fire resistance and recreative attractiveness of plantations. Deposits of experienced 40 year old forest plantations formed on the dumps number 334 m3/ha that testifies to high productiveness of pine stands formed which do not yield storage to artificial pine stands of analogous age created on cutover areas.
Keywords: dumps, mineral raw material, recultivation, forest plantations, common pine, artificial stands.