Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Efficiency of using probiotic additive Trilactocor in the diet of quails


A. G. KOSHCHAYEV, doctor of biological sciences, professor,

YU. А. LYSENKO, candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor,

V. V. RADCHENKO, candidate of biological sciences, research officer, 

V. A. MISHCHENKO, post-graduate student,

A. V. LUNEVA, candidate of biological sciences, research officer, 

KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF I. T. TRUBILIN (13 Kalinina st., 350044, Krasnodar)

Abstract. In this work there was investigated the influence of the probiotic additive Trilactokor on quails’ organisms and quality of meat produce. The researches were carried out on the department of biotechnology, biochemistry and biophysics as well as in the vivarium of veterinary medicine of Kuban State Agrarian University. The new probiotic additive Trilactokor includes the aggregate of three types of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus agilis, Lactobacillus intermedius и Lactobacillus salivarius) released from the blind appendages of the gastrointestinal tract of quails. The study of pharmacological properties as well as the detection of the most effective scheme of the application of the probiotic additive Trilactokor was conducted on quails of the meat breed Texas White. There was determined that 100,0 % of livestock safekeeping was in the 5th experimental group fed with 0,5 ml/head of the studied additive, and the lowest safekeeping was observed in the control group (90,0 %). Introduction of this additive along with the present ration positively influenced on the index of the increase of live mass of quails. The most daily increase of the quail’s mass was marked in the group of Trilactokor and amounted on 6,4 g. The feed costs per head in this group were 950,1 g. However, taking into account the increase, the rate of conversion of fodder in this experimental group was lower than in control one on 9,3 %. The results of study of meat productivity of quails showed that the mass of all muscles of a quail in the group fed with Trilactokor amounted on 129,72 g, that on 21,5 % higher than in the control one. In whole it is rec- ommended to use the probiotic additive Trilactokor in the dose 0,5 ml/head to increase the live mass of quails, their safekeeping as well as the quality of meat produce.

Keywords: probiotic, additive, lactobacilli, quail, experimental group, live weight, growth, safety, productivity, meat quality.

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