Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The economic results of business activity of farms (on the example of the Ural federal district)


YA. V. VORONINA, senior teacher,

URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract.  Farms are small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. Farming in the Russian Federation has received the development in the conditions of the variety of forms of land ownership and development of market economy, including in the agricultural sector. The legal basis for the creation of peasant (farmer) farms became the law of the RSFSR «On peasant (farmer) economy» of 22 November 1990. It was the first law in the agrarian legislation of the modern Russia, which contained rules of private law and in fact gave start to the development of private law and the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in agriculture of the country. Currently, the legal regulation of farms is carried out by the Federal law No 74-FZ of 11 June 2003 «On peasant (farmer) economy». Business activity (entrepreneurship) is a complicated category. It can be considered in different aspects: organizational, economic, legal and others. The main objective of entrepreneurial activity (activity) are manufacture and offer to market such goods that are in demand and which is profitable. Ultimately it is making a profit (business income). In the scientific community entrepreneurship from the point of view of economic certainty usually considered in three aspects: as an economic category, as a method of managing, as a type of economic thinking. This article sets out the definition of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activities, constitutional provisions guaranteeing the development of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. There is given the characteristic of economic indicators of farms in the regions of the Russian Federation within the Ural Federal district on production of main types of agricultural production for 2012–2015.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, farming, small and average forms of managing in agrarian sector, the Ural Federal district, economic results.

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