Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Economic efficiency of end product output for pond fish farming in the fish farms of the First Zone


T. G. LITVINOVA, external doctoral candidate,

IZHEVSK STATE AGRICULTURAL ACADEMY (11 Studencheskaya, 426069, Izhevsk)

Abstract. Increase of economic efficiency of cultivation of fish pond in the first zone of fish culture is made possible by a three-stage production process. The first phase includes expansion of machine and tractor station, mechanization in the shop by purchasing new, more progressive technology. This helps to increase the cultivated land area in 2.7 times and increased productivity of grain at 42.65 %, which ultimately leads to increased production of coarse grains in 3.6 times at the second stage. Development of own fodder production helps reduce the burden of purchased feed diet with fish 73.13 % to 1.34 %. Use non-feed (coarse grains) at fattening fish leads to increase in production volumes, while pond fish grown product carp has an average piece weight (1 000–2 000 g) satisfies the need of the buyer. Technological modernization of the industry crop in fish farms of the first zone and replacement of forage on grain forage production allows to increase the cost-effectiveness of fisheries, by increasing the bottom fish ponds at 75.12 %, increase in volumes of production and sales of fish pond, competitiveness of their fish, minimize the impact on the fish farm supplying enterprises. The annual economic benefit from using feed produced fish based totaled 14.53 million rub. Capital expenditures for the expansion of machine and tractor station pays off for about 1.5 years. In the work carried out by calculating the effectiveness of given unmanaged factors which, in the assessment of outcome performance criteria remain unaddressed. To adjust the parameters of efficiency and bring them to real values offer them adapt to changing conditions Wednesday through a system of correction coefficients. In particular, this paper proposes the use of a correction factor for changing market conditions. Proposed in the work to implement the calculation efficiency correction factors allow more adequately evaluate results and effectiveness of previously adopted and executed management decisions.

Keywords: economic efficiency, technological modernization, crop production, fish farming, fish productivity, profitability, profit, cost, grain, First zone of fish farming.

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