Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The creation of a crisis management system in agricultural organizations


I. P. CHUPINA, doctor of economic sciences, professor,

URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

ABSTRACT. Anti-recessionary management in agricultural organizations differs significantly from conventional techniques, forms and technologies of management in other enterprises of the sectors of the economy. Characteristic of management of agricultural organizations is associated with the peculiarities of the adaptation possibilities of the enterprise. They manifest themselves in the need to adapt the production to changes not only of the market of agricultural goods, but also to changing climatic conditions. External mechanisms for the improvement of agricultural organizations are state regulation of anti-crisis development, attraction of credits and loans, issue of shares as a result of the reorganization. Internal mechanisms are the main and most radical directions of the economic recovery and crisis-free functioning of the organizations of agriculture. They can be divided into three groups. Several important factors, including the growing debt of enterprises to the state and a gradual decrease in the efficiency of the sectors as a result of reforms, speak in favor of the use of crisis management. The main anti-crisis strategy of the enterprise management are directed at diversifying and reducing production and the reorganization of production and subsequent modernization. Given the need for development of the agricultural sector, crisis management should be aimed at modernization of the sector. The state program of agricultural development defines the priorities for technical development of the industry and gradual reduction of state intervention in the market mechanism. In the development of measures of crisis management, the emphasis should be on establishing operational cooperation between the administering authorities and ensuring control over the implementation of measures because these aspects are the most vulnerable. Due to the lack of monitoring by state agricultural organizations, there is a possibility of non-earmarked expenditure of funds and establishment of the regions own orders, due to the scale of the country and geographical features. After the release of the decrees at the federal level orders reach the regions over time, and sometimes in a modified form, favorable to the administration.

Keywords: agrarian sector of economy, crisis management, reproduction, government support, investment, competitiveness, food security, market relations, agricultural enterprises, financial stability.

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