Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


On methods of plasma incineration in waste recycling and decontamination technologies


S. V. ANAKHOV, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of International Academy of Sciences on ecology and environmental Safety, head of the department,

Russian State professional and pedagogical university (11 Mashinostroiteley Str., 620012, Ekaterinburg)

YU. A. PYKIN, doctor of engineering, professor,

Ural State Forest engineering university (37 Sibirskiy tract Str., 620038, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract. Methods of plasma recycling and plasma decontamination of waste are presented. Their place in the general strategy of a waste management is shown. The basic advantage of such technologies (in comparison with physical, chemical and biological) is the universality, allowing to process practically any waste – firm, soluble, liquid and gaseous. Another advantage is the fact that neutralization occurs in the oxidizing or regenerative environment with air, oxygen and other gases supply due to which there is an opportunity of environmental parameters regulation with the purpose of effective influence on concrete utilized substance (dioxins, pesticides, herbicides, etc.). High temperatures of plasma jet (up to 20 thousand), speed of process, small influence of atmospheric oxygen – the necessary conditions providing neutralization practically any toxic and radioactive gases (under certain conditions). Opportunities of plasma technologies introduction in ecological projects of various manufactures are considered. The material-power schemes of such technologies are presented. The technology and the equipment of decontamination of high class of danger organic waste are investigated and elaborated. Such technology provides incineration of solid waste in melted salts of nitrite of sodium in a thermochemical reactor. Afterburning of departing gases occurs in plasma thermal reactor at temperatures of dioxins disintegration. On an output the gases which are not demanding additional clearing and the slag are formed. Questions of ecological and economic efficiency of plasma technologies are discussed. Questions of introduction as full-scale technology of plasma incineration, and an opportunity of its application at separate stages of technologies of high-temperature recycling and neutralization of waste are considered too.

Keywords: ecological safety, waste recycling, waste treatment, decontamination, incineration, plasmatron.

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