S. A. IVANOV, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,
V. F. BALABAYKIN, doctor of economics, professor, head of the department,
S. A. BARYSHNIKOV, candidate of technical sciences, dean,
SOUTH URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (75 Lenina Ave., 454080, Chelyabinsk)
Abstract. The article analyzes the cost of production of grain crops of enterprises of the agroindustrial complex of the Chelyabinsk region production efficiency, increase in the economic efficiency of grain production of agricultural enterprises and ensuring food security of the region. Methods used in the research: balance, index, regression – correlation, moving average, expert. The interrelationships between the specific weight of costs for chemical plant protection products and the profitability of cultivation of grain crops are revealed. The capacity of the pesticide market has been calculated, and the concept of complex plant protection has been clarified. When studying the dynamics of the market of chemical means of protecting cereal crops and the structure of costs of production of grain crops, a correlation was revealed between the costs of preparations and the profitability of production on the example of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Chelyabinsk region. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the greatest profitability of agro-industrial enterprises is observed in the group with costs in the range from 5 000 to 9 000 rub./ha and the specific weight of costs for chemical agents is more than 16 %. The need to increase the use of plant protection products has been identified, which is due to the economic potential on the one hand and to the phytosanitary situation on the other. With rational application, significant investments of funds in complex processing, with yields above 20 centers per hectare, fully pay off, with an average profitability of 45 %. The results of the research have been tested on the part of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the southern forest-steppe, they can be applied in agricultural enterprises that cultivate grain crops.
Keywords: economic efficiency, analysis of the cost of grain crops, the cost of chemical protection of crops.
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