N. A. POTEKHIN, doctor of economic sciences, professor,
V. N. POTEKHIN, candidate of economic sciences,
URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (42 K. Libknehta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
Abstract. The authors reflect on the inability of the operating agricultural enterprises for active and complex introduction of innovations. They also note scientific and theoretical backwardness of approaches of most of domestic scientists and public authorities to the cardinal solution of the problem of import dependence. As result of such policy of the state the negative tendencies observed in practice in development of agriculture of the country at the present stage. Qualitatively new approach is revealed. Use of system and complete tools for justification and formation of universal, self-adaptive model of the enterprise of the future providing on the basis of new scientific base, the theory, system and complete cross-disciplinary methodology, innovative shots, breakthrough and supertechnologies, information systems and control systems of new generation achievement of general synergy with a plus is considered. It is guarantee of release of agriculture and Russia in general from import dependence on all aspects of activity and scientific and technological, material, personnel and other dependence on foreign countries and their economic policy.
Keywords: conceptual model of the agrarian and industrial complex enterprise of new generation; enterprise of an innovative way of production; system and complete cross-disciplinary methodology; new scientific base of the enterprise of new generation; new physical and social and economic principles of production of agricultural products; second industrialization of Russia.
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