Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Yield and quality of potato clubs depending on the elements of the technology of embraction in the conditions of the Middle Urals


S. K. MINGALEV, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, head of the department,

E. S. TYUTENOV, рostgraduate student,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta, 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract. The studies were carried out in a three–factor field experiment with the following scheme: Factor A: potato varieties (Mayak, Lux, Irbit, Zekura, Ditta, Gala). Factor B: time of planting (10.05; 20.05; 30.05). Factor C: density of planting (45; 55 thousand tubers per ha). It is established that in conditions of arid and hot weather during the potato growing season, all varieties formed a yield of 35.0–49.0 t/ha. The highest yield of potato tubers was obtained from the Urals selection of Irbit – 49.3 and foreign Gala – 45.4 t/ha. The best time for planting in the current conditions is the beginning of the second decade of May (10.05), the density of planting is 55 thousand tubers per hectare. Accumulation of starch in tubers depended on both the biological characteristics of the variety and the timing of planting. In all varieties, the highest content of starch was observed at the first planting date and equaled to an average of 14.9 %, which is higher by 0.5 than in the second and by 0.7 % in the third. The higher content of starch in tubers was characterized by the varieties of Ural selection of Lux and Irbit in comparison with the varieties of foreign selection of Ditte and Gala. The carried-out dispersive analysis of data of productivity of potatoes of different grades depending on the time and density of planting demonstrates that the grade share in formation of productivity makes 35.0, planting term – 23.0, density of planting – 7.0 %, on interaction of factors of AB – 8.0, ABC – 6.0 %.

Keywords: potato, variety, planting time, planting density, starch.

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