N. T. CHEBOTAREV, doctor of agricultural sciences, leading researcher,
A. A. YUDIN, candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher,
P. V. GORODISKI, research assistant,
Research Institute of Agriculture of the Republic of Komi (27 Rucheynaya Str., 167023, Syktyvkar)
E. I. PARSHINA, candidate of biological sciences,
Syktyvkar Forest Institute, a branch of St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S. M. Kirov (39 Lenina Str., 167982, Syktyvkar)
D. A. POPOV, candidate of political sciences, associate professor,
Komi Republic Academy of State Service and Management (11 Communist Str., 167982, Syktyvkar)
Abstract. The action of organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as their joint use, on the properties of sod-podsollike soil and the productivity of crops of fodder 6-total crop rotation was studied in the long-term stationary experiment on sod-podsollike medium-cultivated soil. As a result of scientific research it was established that in the variant without fertilizers it was possible to maintain the initial humus content (2.1 %) and to obtain a sufficiently high average yield (2.4 t/ha dry matter) of fodder crops due to the introduction of significant amounts of root – crop residues into the soil. First of all perennial grasses, their humification and mineralization under the influence of microorganisms. In all variants of the experiment, the exchange and hydrolytic acidity caused by the insufficient intake of calcium and magnesium into the soil increased. In variants with organic fertilizers and combined application of TNK and NPK, an increase in the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium was observed due to mineralization of root-plant residues and organic fertilizers. The introduction of fertilizers, especially their complex application, contributed to an increase in the yield of fodder crops, most significant when using high doses of TNCs and a full dose of NPK (potatoes up to 3.9, perennial grasses – 6.6, annual grasses – 4.4 t/ha dry matter). Along with the increase in the yield of fodder crops, their quality has improved (the content of starch, phosphorus and potassium increased in potato tubers, crude protein, phosphorus and potassium in the production of perennial and annual grasses).
Keywords: organic and mineral fertilizers, productivity, fodder crop rotation, soil, agrochemical indicators, fertility, compost.
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