S. D. GILEV, candidate of agricultural sciences, deputy director on scientific work,
I. N. TSYMBALENKO, candidate of agricultural sciences, leading researcher,
N. V. MESHKOVA, junior research associate,
E. A. FILIPPOVA, senior research fellow,
T. A. KOZLOVA, senior researcher,
Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture (9 Lenina Str., 641325, v. Sadovoye, Ketovsky district, Kurgan region; tel: (35231) 57-354; 57-389; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Abstract. Spelt is not a traditional culture for the Urals. The article provides a brief historical overview of the spread of the culture of countries and regions of the Russian Federation. Noted its significance as healthy food due to the high content of micronutrients, vitamins, essential amino acids, mucopolysaccharides and other nutrients. As a result of the researches we established the comparative productivity of varieties of spelt Runo (membranous) and Gremme (hulless) and the varieties of spring wheat of local selection Terzia, Iren, Zauralochka. In contrast to the adverse weather conditions in 2016 (epiphytotic of powdery mildew, brown leaf and stem rust) the cultivar Runo was resistant to disease. In breeding nurseries without the use of protection from disease provided a yield of 22.9 t/ha against 8.6; and 9.8 and 11.7 kg/ha varieties Terzia, Iren and Gremme respectively. Grade of Gremme, along with varieties of spring wheat, without means of protection were overcome by diseases to a great extent. At the same time on the background of the combined system of protection (against weeds and diseases), a variety of Gremme cultivated for green manure pair, provided the maximum in experience the yield of 29.9 c/ha as opposed to 22.7 t/ha for the variety of spring wheat Zauralochka received in similar growing conditions. In terms of baking quality in terms of 2016 spelt was inferior to the cultivars of spring wheat. At the conclusion of the technological laboratory of our Institute, the grade of Gremme received a failing grade, Runo – satisfactory grade, Iren and Terzia – quite satisfactory. Studies on the spelt as a nontraditional crop for the Trans-Ural region will be continued in field experiments in the technology laboratory of the Institute.
Keywords: spelt, variety, yield, technological evaluation of grain, the baking properties of flour, technology of cultivation.