Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Monitoring of disturbed agricultural lands


T. V. SIMAKOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor,

State Agricultural University of Northern Trans–Urals (2/18 Roschinskoye Highway, 625041, Tyumen)

L. N. SKIPIN, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, head of the department,

A. A. GALYAMOV, graduate student,

Tyumen Industrial University (2 Lunacharskogo Str., 625003, Tyumen)

Abstract. When saving the resource potential of agricultural lands in the North it is necessary not only to establish complete, correct and effective use, but also to improve the regulatory framework, including methods of assessment of damage during the with-drawal of these lands for the purposes of the oil and gas industry. In the use of land for agricultural purposes under the oil and gas industry, there are many aspects, largely related to their intended use, as well as to the regional characteristics, geographical location of the territory (North), high water levels and intensive industrial development. Therefore, arises the need to attach great importance to the protection of agricultural lands and their preservation. Carried out researches have allowed to establish that the economic damage from land pollution with chemical substances in boreholes equals 658 609 920 rub., littering the land with the unauthorised landfills on the territory of drilling sites amounted to 217 851 600 rub., in addition, indirect losses and loss of biological productivity of mosses and lichens from littering the land – 41 412 800 rub. An assessment the nature and extent of the ecological status of the study area, using cluster analysis the level of favorability of the Yamal district for the use of agricultural land for the future, was carried out. The area of the unfavorable environmental situation included 200 hectares of land drilling sites; the zone of unfit ecological situation, the average favorability includes 160 hectares; favorable ecological situation area included 640 ha. The result of using the techniques is developed a map reflecting the ecological status of the Yamal region and the complex of measures aimed at the preservation of land and resource potential of the study area.

Keywords: land monitoring, agricultural land, assessment of the background state, the negative processes, soil and vegetation disturbed land, calculation of losses, a complex of measures, restoration of soil fertility.



Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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