E. G. PHILIPPOV, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor,
A. A. DONTSOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences,
D. P. DONTSOV, candidate of agricultural sciences,
AGRARIAN SCIENCE CENTER «DONSKOY» (3 Nauchnyi gorodok, 347740, Zernograd)
Abstract. Barley is a culture of multifaceted use, the grain of which can be used for various purposes. One of the most important areas of stable production of winter barley grain is the introduction of new grades into production. Successful solution to this problem is offered by scientifically based selection of source material with subsequent inclusion in the breeding program. The yield of barley varies greatly in the cultivation zones, therefore, to determine the reaction of grades to different soil and climatic conditions, ecological sort testing is carried out. This allows us to identify grades adaptable to specific soil and climatic conditions. The purpose of the research was to study the main economically valuable traits of winter barley grades in the southern zone of the Rostov Region. The research was carried out on the fields of scientific crop rotation of the agrarian scientific center “Donskoy” (formerly ARIGC named after I. G. Kalinenko) in 2014–2016. The object of research was 26 grades of winter barley of different ecological and geographical origin. Complex grades resistant to leaf diseases were Polet, Zhiguli, Erema, Timofei, Artel (VNIIZK, RF), Samson, Platon, Gordei, Romance (KNIISH, RF), Andryusha, Espada (SNIISH, RF), Hobbit, Vutan, Galation (Syngenta, Switzerland). Grades Vivat (VNIIZK, RF), Kondrat, Samson, Romans, Gordei (KNIISH, RF), Andryusha (SNIISH, RF), Galation, Vutan (Singenta, Switzerland) are marked as the most productive and resistant to lodging. The grades that possessed a set of economically valuable features and properties (resistance to lodging and defeat by leaf diseases, yield, coarse grain, protein content in the grain, grain size of the spike) are distinguished. – Timofei, Erema, Vivat (VNIIZK, RF); Platon, Gordei (KNIISH, RF); Derzhavnyi, Andryusha, Pattern, Dostoynyj (SNIISH, RF); Tattoo, Hobbit, Wootan, Galation (Singenta, Switzerland).
Keywords: winter barley, grade, yield, vegetation period, weight of 1000 grains, number of grains in the ear.
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