Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)




V. I. VOLYNKIN, candidate of agricultural Sciences, leading researcher,

O. V. VOLYNKINA, senior researcher,

KURGAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE (19 Lenina Str., 641325, v. Sadovoe, Ketovskiy district, Kurgan region)

Abstract. The article describes the efficiency of fertilizers on wheat crops to estimate not only the carrier portion, but also its limit (step dose increase) in three zones of Kurgan area. Selection of the optimum composition of fertilizer and in the doses differs in zones of the area. So, on the ordinary chernozem solonetzic Makushinskiy experimental field (the area of the eastern zone) there is a rather favorable soil nitrogen regime in connection with the neutral reaction of soil solution, optimizing the activities of nitrifying bacteria, but the soil is very poor in mobile phosphorus. Therefore, phosphorus fertilizer for wheat after fallow is applied with high efficiency (+6 c/ha), but addition of nitric fertilizers to phosphorus in the fields remote from fallow is profitable only to a certain limit (at N30–40 in certain zones to N60–80 in other zones). In Central and Shadrinskiy experimental fields on leached chernozem effect of phosphorus on wheat on fallow expressed moderate increase (+ 1.6, +2 c/ha). The raised nitrogen doses (N60) on next crops are more often excessive on the Central and Makushinskiy fields. In contrast to these points in the Shadrinskiy experimental field (the north-western area of the region with high rainfall) on heavy loam leached chernozem it is appropriate to make a dose of 60–80 kg/ha of nitrogen together with phosphorus in the fields where it is needed. In case of assessment of different doses of nitrogen it is necessary to consider not only their influence on productivity, but on the quality of grain. Quality of wheat significantly improved upon the use of fertilizers, reducing its dependence on adverse conditions of weather.

Keywords: crop rotation, spring wheat, fertilizer composition, doses of nitrogen, wheat yield, grain quality, economic efficiency of fertilizers by zone area.

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