S. V. ZALESOV, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, vice-rector for science,
Ju. V. ZARIPOV, post-graduate student,
E. S. ZALESOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor,
URAL STATE FOREST ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY (37 Sibirskiy tract, 620100, Ekaterinburg)
Abstract. The paper deals with undergrowth indices forming on overburden rock spoil dumps. At has been established that reforestation process proceeds rather successfully on spoil dumps. An all the circles of the dumps one can find common pine, silver birch, aspen and willow in the undergrowth composition. But at the same time medium undergrowth prevailing testifies to the severe condition of growth and necessity to improve the soils fertility carrying out. The reforestation process on spoil dumps is still in progress at is reaffirmed by sprouts of abovementioned species wide availability. Pine undergrowth is characterized by even distribution (74.6–87.8 %) that makes possible to form mixed plantations in future with common pine dominating in stands. At the investigation period the undergrowth density in large stands varied from 9.2 to 14.27 pieces per ha. Common pine is prevailing in undergrowth composition on the third circle of the dump, on the second circle the share of pine and birch is the same and constitutes 3.3 pieces. On the lowest circle silver birch takes the leading position in the undergrowth composition.
Keywords: dump, chrysotil asbestos deposit, undergrowth, occurrence, density, composition.