Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)




R. R. SULTANOVA, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,

M. V. MARTYNOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences,

BASHKIR STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (34 50th Anniversary of October Str., 450001, Ufa)

D. A. KHANOV, candidate of agricultural sciences, deputy head for forestry,

UFA PLYWOOD MILL (4/1 Ufimskoye highway, 450000, Ufa)

N. P. BUNKOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor,

URAL STATE FOREST ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY (37 Sibirskiy tract, 620100, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract.  Use of forests is regulated by the current Forest code of the Russian Federation (2006), according to which one of 16 types of forest use is agriculture. Forest land for agriculture is available to citizens and legal entities in accordance with article 9 of the LC RF. In 2016 for the needs of beekeeping was provided 1635.4 ha, for mowing – 1816.9 ha, for grazing – 2864.6 ha, for growing agricultural crops – 267.7 ha. According to the total yield of marketable honey, the honey from one bee and the dynamics of the number of bee colonies from 1910 to 2015, there is an irregularity and frequency in the development of beekeeping. In time dynamics observed over four distinct periods show increase in the number of bee colonies: the first period lasted from 1910 to 1915, II – from 1925 to 1940, III – 1945 to 1950, IV period – 1955 to 1965, V – 2000 to 2015. The maximum yield of marketable honey was observed in 2015, the minimum performance characteristic of the period – from 1950 to 1965. Rents from using forests in 2015 amounted to 203.5 mln of rub., to the federal budget – 179.4 mln of rub., regional budget – 24.1 mln of rub. Most of the revenues from forest use for agriculture per 1 ha of the leased land from the forest fund in the Republic of Bashkortostan received in the period from 2013 to 2015.

Keywords: bee-keeping, small-leaved linden, rent, honey productivity, bee colonies, forest fund, productivity.

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