E. S. YATRYSHEVA, post-graduate student,
CHUVASH STATE AGRICULTURAL ACADEMY (29 K. Marksa Str., 428003, Cheboksary)
Abstract. The most important place in providing our population with quality food belongs to the dairy cattle. However, a big problem for veterinary science and practice that has national economic and social importance, are of breast diseases, especially mastitis. The total number of cows in all countries of the world reaches 211 million, of which more than 40 % of the animals are sick with various forms of mastitis. In the farms of our country mastitis ranges from 22 to 60 % of the cows. Note that most common is the subclinical form, which is recorded 2–4 times more often than clinical mastitis. Diseases of the breast inflammatory disorders in cows occur for various reasons, but the leading role belongs to microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses). Many researchers believe that the microbial factor accounts for about 86 % of all cases of mastitis in cows. Most often we find mastitis of bacterial origin. Mastitis is transmitted from one animal to another easily enough. The probability of infection increases significantly in the presence of mucosal damage, a liner channel udder that indicates the infectious nature of this disease. Recent years are characterized by intensive scientific research to develop new, highly efficient drugs, mainly with antimicrobial activity, but unfortunately, ongoing research has not led to a significant reduction in the incidence of cows with mastitis.
Keywords: cow, milk quality, probiotic bacteria, mammary gland, mastitis.