T. V. ZYRYANOVA, doctor of economic sciences, professor,
S. B. ZYRYANOV, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,
V. N. DUBSKIKH, candidate of economics sciences, associate professor,
N. I. SALTANOVA, senior lecturer, external doctoral candidate,
Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
Abstract. Strategic planning process of sales of products makes it possible to present the sequences of actions and determination of tasks of the organization in the form. The choice of the purposes and tasks depends on many factors: organization size, the location, specifics of production and the made products, marketing strategy and many other. The structure of tasks is individual for each organization. The basis for adoption of the strategic plan is the complex analysis for each strategic economic unit (SEU) which is carried out on the basis of indepth examination of marketing macro- and microenvironments that in many respects determines degree of success of organization activity. Level of success or failure of sales activities will depend on how well the marketing plan correlates with the tasks of management of macro- and the microenvironment, taking into account planning restrictions. Four main planning methods of strategy of sales of products are considered: 1) matrix of opportunities for the products/markets; 2) matrix of growth of a market share; 3) matrix of directed policy; 4) general strategic Porter’s model. For the purpose of receiving isolated information on activities and indicators of the organization which are capable of bringing economic benefits and which are systematically analyzed by people authorized to make relevant decisions allocation of segments is made: the products; main buyers or customers; geographical regions; structural divisions.
Keywords: strategic planning of sales of products, analysis of the marketing environment, planning methods of strategy of sale, implementation of tactics of sale, information on segments.
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