V. S. PETUKHOVA, assistant professor,
L. N. SKIPIN, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, head of the department,
D. L. SKIPIN, candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, acting head of the department,
TYUMEN STATE UNIVERSITY (6 Volodarskogo Str., 625003, Tyumen)
Abstract. The intensive increase in the number of drilling pits in terms of increasing hydrocarbon production requires scientific approaches to improvement of slurry storage facilities. The use of calcium-containing coagulant of phosphogypsum eliminates the alkalinity, reduce the toxicity of salts to improve the physical properties of drill cuttings (floatation and swelling abilities, filtration, dispersion, etc.). Neutralization of these properties occurs due to displacement of exchangeable sodium from the absorbing complex of drill cuttings by calcium-phosphogypsum. The introduction of phosphogypsum allows to create a favorable environment for the activity of tuber bacteria, providing such cultures as phytomeliorant by biologically fixed nitrogen. Laboratory experiments on bean agar showed that the introduction of calcium in the nutrient mixture 7 or more times increases the number of tuber bacteria in comparison with soda salinization. It is essential to mention that the mass of cuttings on the soil surface has almost absolute sterility. The ultimate goal for the set of activities in the field of rehabilitation work is to create an environment for the restoration of biological productivity and to perform many other ecological functions. In most cases there is a need for artificial revegetation. Main activity in the land improvement works should be considered as the sowing of perennial grasses that are resistant to salt and oil contamination, in the combination with a variety of agronomic measures, these would produce the maximum possible yield. The greatest interest among leguminous crops in this regard evoke the yellow sweet clover and alfalfa seneviratna. They possess a valuable combination of agrobiological and economic characteristics. An important biological feature is their ability to assimilate atmospheric nitrogen. Because of the decomposition of roots and nodules nitrogen content in recultivated layer is significantly increased. Strong root system of legumes improves the physical properties, air and water regimes, increases the overall microbiological activity and promotes desalinization of cultivated topsoil.
Keywords: drilling waste, land reclamation, land improvers, risotorphine, tuber bacteria, oil destructors, phytomeliorant.
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