L. V. DENEZHKO, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor,
L. A. NOVOPASHIN, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor,
K. A. ASANBEKOV, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor,
A. A. SADOV, post-graduate student,
URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
Abstract. The relevance of the question is supported by studies of alternative fuels derived from renewable raw materials, and carried out in various regions of Russia and abroad. As a raw material for producing fuels oilseeds are suitable, particularly safflower. However, safflower oil viscosity is much higher than that of the diesel fuel, therefore, it must be used in a mixture with low-viscosity components. The addition of mineral oil in the fuel mixture reduces the viscosity and makes it suitable for use in terms of quality and its low-temperature spray properties. This study alternatively investigated fuel mixture of safflower oil (SafM) and four diesel fuel compositions. Based on the research we defined thermal design performance of the engine operating cycle and presented their dependence on the composition of mineral mixture of safflower. A comparison of the indicators with traditional diesel fuel is offered. The heat of combustion of the mineral safflower mixtures decreases with increasing the share of oil and thermal characteristics of the combustible mixture is practically unchanged, due to the increase in the proportion of oxygen in the constituent components of the mixed fuel. The maximum temperature of the diesel cycle also does not change, but it is higher than when operating on diesel fuel. With increasing concentration of oil in the mixture decreased engine power to the 1.66–1.9 % compared to diesel fuel, and a mixture flow rate increases significantly by 6.64–14.2 % or 3.52 g/kW per hour on average for every 10 % increase in the concentration of the oil component in the mixture.
Keywords: tractor, diesel oil, safflower oil, mixtures, calculations, power efficiency.