Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Personnel training: its nature and types


M. Yu. KARPUKHIN, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor, dean,

URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract.  Training, retraining and advanced training are important elements in the balance of demand and supply of labor. Indeed, by changing the professional orientation of training, qualification level, as well as carrying out basic training for specific jobs, the company can provide the most complete line structure workers jobs, taking into account the entire spectrum of requirements to the latest labor force quality. With the transition to the market economy function of the enterprise to provide training and ensure its proper quality is greatly enhanced. First of all, this is due to the weakening of the role of state regulation of the preparation of the qualifying labor through a system of vocational and technical education and retraining released a significant part of the workforce, with increasing requirements for flexibility of labor, increasing the importance of the process of change of labor, with the company focusing on the need for skilled labor the strength of its own employees. Thus, the subjects of training are: 1) knowledge, i. e. theoretical, methodical and practical know-how, necessary for the worker for accomplishment of the obligations on a workplace; 2) abilities, i. e. a capability to carry out the obligations assigned to the worker on a specific workplace; 3) skills, i. e. high degree of ability to put the gained knowledge into practice. Skills assume such measure of development of work when conscious self-checking is developed. According to determination of personnel training and its essence training can be divided into three types: preparation; retraining; and advanced training.

Keywords: organization; staff; training; value and types.

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