Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Combination of digital technologies and organic production in specialized beef cattle breeding


V. V. Smirnova

Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia

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Abstract. Domestic beef production provides less than 30 % of the actual consumption. It is possible to solve this problem only on the basis of an innovative approach. The target industry program “Development of beef cattle breeding in Russia for 2009–2012 and up to 2020” accelerated the process of mastering advanced technologies by large enterprises. Digital transformation has become the next stage in increasing the intensity of production. However, the theory of adaptive agriculture is currently being promoted, according to which “green” technologies should reduce the anthropogenic load on nature. Within the framework of this paradigm, organic cattle breeding becomes the most important element. It is possible to stop soil degradation while maintaining the achieved level of food production only if natural forage lands are used. The purpose of the study is to assess the introduction of innovations (digital technologies and organic production) in specialized beef cattle breeding in Russia. Methods. In the course of the research, general scientific methodological approaches and methods of economic analysis were applied. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the analysis of innovations that are opposite in intensity of
production (digital technologies and organic production) and the justification of priority areas of development for the beef cattle industry. Results. The active development of digital technologies by agricultural holdings at all stages of production has been revealed. Large business displaces independent enterprises from the market, which affects the placement of the beef cattle industry. Organic cattle breeding is a promising development path for small farms, but their entry into the market is difficult. The study shows that farms master high-tech production with support at the regional level (despite the presence of federal programs). The necessity of state support for the integration of small farms into cooperatives for the development of organic production or the creation of a meat cluster for the joint promotion of products to the market is substantiated.

Keywords: beef cattle breeding, innovations, digital technologies, organic production, investments.

For citation: Smirnova V. V. Sochetanie tsifrovykh tekhnologiy i organicheskogo proizvodstva v spetsializirovannom myasnom skotovodstve [Combination of digital technologies and organic production in specialized beef cattle breeding] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 08 (237). Pp. 101‒112. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-237-08-101-112. (In Russian.)

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