Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The influence of destructive factors on the vegetation of steppe ecosystems


N. G. Lapenko, O. V. Khonina, R. D. Kostitsyn

North Caucasus Federal Agrarian Research Centеr, Mikhaylovsk, Russia

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Abstract. The purpose is to assess the current state of steppe ecosystems of the arid zone of the Stavropol Territory, using the example of a natural plant community exposed to anthropogenic, including technogenic effects. Methods. Geobotanical studies were carried out in 2022 on accounting sites of 100 m2 and 0.5 m2. Vegetation was described according to the O. Drude system with a note of the abundance of species, the projective coverage of the soil surface by plants, the state of vegetation cover at the time of the survey. Results. It has been established that in the studied territory, under the influence of anthropogenic impact on the vegetation cover, there was a significant destruction of steppe vegetation of pasture lands of the arid zone, and man-made impact aggravated an already difficult situation causing additional damage, in particular, additional loss of local flora, and, accordingly, the existing at that time (albeit not so significant) pasture feed. This led to the emergence of Russian tristle-glasswort vegetation, not eaten by animals. Of the 31 species of wild flora noted throughout the survey, only 7 (22 %) species are not weeds quantitatively in the herbage, but their number does not play a decisive role in the formation of the fodder mass. It is quite obvious that over the entire area of the study, the vegetation cover of pasture lands in its present form is of little use for effective agricultural production. Scientific novelty. New data have been obtained on the modern phytocenotic diversity of steppe communities of the arid zone, the transformation of vegetation cover taking into account the influence of anthropogenic, including man-made impacts.

Keywords: steppe ecosystems, arid zone, virgin land, plant communities, biodiversity, wild flora, anthropogenic impact, degradation.

For citation: Lapenko N. G., Khonina O. V., Kostitsyn R. D. Vliyanie destruktivnykh faktorov na rastitel’nost’ stepnykh ekosistem [The influence of destructive factors on the vegetation of steppe ecosystems] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 08 (237). Pp. 68‒77. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-237-08-68-77. (In Russian.)

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