Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Assessment of the level of productivity and adaptive potential of linseed varieties in Belarus


M. E. Maslinskaya

Institute of Flax, Ustye, Republic of Belarus

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Abstract. The yield potential of seeds of linseed varieties in the Republic of Belarus reaches 30 centners per hectare, in recent years, ten new domestic varieties of crops have been created, and the soil and climatic conditions of the country make it possible to cultivate it. However, when testing varieties in the State Institution “State Inspectorate for Testing and Protection of Plant Varieties”, the values of the seed productivity indicator vary greatly both by test sites and by varieties. In this regard, the aim of the research is to assess the level of productivity and adaptive potential of oil flax varieties by statistical parameters calculated on the basis of “seed productivity”. Methods. Statistical processing of data obtained during four years of testing (2018–2020) was carried out at seven variety plots. As the object of the research, the flax varieties Salyut, Al’yans and Vizir’ of the selection of RUE “Institute of Flax” were taken. An assessment of the studied varieties is given in terms of such parameters as plasticity and stability, indicators of variety stability, yield range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, homeostaticity and breeding value. Results. The highest seed productivity (13.5–17.2 c/ha) and the smallest variability of the “coefficient of variation” (7.4–18.3 %) were observed in the varieties Salyut and Vizir’. It was found that the variability of the productivity of the studied varieties is caused by the influence of environmental conditions, and not by their genetic characteristics. The stability of obtaining high yields in optimal conditions is evidenced by the obtained values of the adaptability coefficient (0.91–1.06). Thus, with a combination of various statistical indicators and models, an objective and complete characteristic of the studied varieties is given. The data obtained testifies to the prospects of cultivating the varieties of linseed Al’yans, Vizir’, Salyut in agricultural organizations of the republic and the possibility of obtaining high and stable yields of this crop. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the characteristics of linseed varieties Al’yans, Vizir’, Salyut of Belarusian selection in terms of productivity and adaptive potential are given on the basis of a combination of various statistical indicators and models. The data obtained allowed us to make a conclusion about the prospects of cultivating these varieties in the conditions of Belarus.

Keywords: linseed, variety, seed yield, yield range, adaptive potential, plasticity, stability, coefficient of variation, homeostaticity, breeding value.

For citation: Maslinskaya M. E. Otsenka urovnya produktivnosti i adaptivnogo potentsiala sortov l’na maslichnogo v usloviyakh Belarusi [Assessment of the level of productivity and adaptive potential of linseed varieties in Belarus] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 09 (212). Pp. 25−33. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-212-09-25-33. (In Russian.)

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