Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Combining ability of varieties and lines of spring durum wheat for productivity elements and quality of gluten


V. S. Yusov,

M. G. Evdokimov,

A. L. Shpigel

Omsk Agricultural Scientific Center, Omsk, Russia

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Abstract. The purpose. The research is aimed at studying the combinational ability and the possibility of transmitting of productivity elements and quality from Italian and Russian sources in order to improve the gluten quality of spring durum wheat varieties of the Siberian ecotype. Metods. In 2020 and 2021years on the basis of the durum wheat breeding laboratory of the “Omsk ASC”, in the system of incomplete topcrosses were studied the varieties Zhemchuzhina Sibiri, Omskiy izumrud, Omskiy korall, Hordeiforme 10-33-3, Hordeiforme 11-76-3, Taganrog and 3 Italian breeding lines. Material for the quality of gluten was evaluated by the SDS-sedimentation (SDS), the index of gluten (IG). Prinсipal соmpоnent analysis carried out using the R package version 4.1.2. Results. In the genetic control of traits: IG, SDS, grain mass of the main spike, number of grains of the main spike, the mass of grain from the plant is dominated by the additive-dominant system. In hybrids F1 , according to the signs of productivity, a heterozic effect. Of all the traits studied, screening will be effective for IG, SDS, grain mass of the main spike, and number of grains. It is advisable to carry out the screening at the same time on the productivity and quality of gluten. The involvement of Italian lines in the breeding process additionally requires the control of yield properties. Scientific novelty. The combinative ability of gluten quality and productivity elements from crossing Italian and Russian varieties of durum wheat has been studied. The problem of ecological changes in the IG has been identified, which entails additional research.

Keywords: Triticum durum, breeding, gluten, index gluten, SDS- sedimentation, gluten, combining ability, quality, principal component analysis.

For citation: Yusov V. S., Evdokimov M. G., Shpigel A. L. Kombinatsionnaya sposobnost’ sortov i liniy yarovoy tverdoy pshenitsy po elementam produktivnosti i kachestvu kleykoviny [Combining ability of varieties and lines of spring durum wheat for productivity elements and quality of gluten] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2022. No. 09 (224). Pp. 59‒70. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2022-224-09-59-70. (In Russian.)

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