Аuthors: O. G. LORETTS, doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of department,
A. S. GORELIK, аssistant to department of anatomy and physiology,
S. YU. HARLAP, teacher of chair of general education disciplines,
Ural state agricultural university (42 K. Libknehta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg; tel: +7 (343) 371-33-63)
Abstract: The article gives the definition of colostrum, its valuable properties. Clarifies what is colostrum (protein, vitamins, minerals), examples are given in percentages. Describes the importance of colostrum for the newborn calf to receive the first portion of colostrum within 45–90 minutes after birth, since it receives immunity from the mother's immune properties passed to serum proteins, namely, immune globulin, the concentration of which in the first portion about 14–16 %. Also consider producyruemogo milk. The cow produces colostrum for the first 7–10 days, and at the end of the period, it already produces normal milk. This is due to the decrease in the total amount of protein, in particular whey proteins. After one day, their content decreases was 15.19 % in the experimental group and on 13,41 % or is 2.37 and 2.68 times. It should be noted and the change of the mass fraction of fat and casein during the day. Colostrum, according to the authors, is a powerful source of infection prevention gastrointestinal tract, especially after birth. Studied the daily dynamics of the components of colostrum in cows with the use of «Albite-Bio». The tables show the daily dynamics of the components of colostrum and its physico-chemical properties. It is concluded that colostrum from cows of the experimental group more fulfilling in comparison with the control. It is different and a higher ash content. Application of biotechnological drug «Albit-Bio» for dry cows can improve the quality of colostrum and its usefulness, to support the amount of whey proteins over a long period of time.
Keywords: cow, milk, colostrum, feed additive.