P. S. Ostapchuk1, 2, N. V. Shadrin1 , A. V. Prazukin1 , E. V. Anufriieva1 , T. A. Kuevda1, 2, Yu. K. Firsov1 , D. V. Zubochenko2 , T. P. Makalish3
1 A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia
2 Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea, Simferopol, Russia
3 V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
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Volume 25 No. 1
Date of paper submission: 23.08.2024, date of review: 03.10.2024, date of acceptance: 01.11.2024.
Published: 01/31/2025
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the effect of a feed additive containing the alga Cladophora on the ontogenesis of young rabbits. Methods. 1, 0.5 and 0.25 % of Cladophora granules were added to the rabbits' diet. The production of granules is protected by Patent No. 2823595. The characteristics of animal growth and development, slaughter qualities, meat indicators for the accumulation of certain elements and the histological structure of the liver were assessed using the generally accepted zootechnical methodology. Scientific novelty. The effect of introducing the green alga Cladophora from hypersaline waters into the diet on the growth characteristics of rabbits was studied for the first time, which allows us to substantiate its effectiveness as a feed additive. Results. In the group receiving the 1 % additive, a significant increase in live weight was observed compared to the control group. The difference in the average live weight of the control and the group where the additive was administered at 1 % significantly increased with age: at the age of 77 days, the live weight was higher than that of the control animals by 6.5 %, and at the age of 90 days – 8.2 %. The young animals that received 1 % Cladophora also showed reliable advantages in slaughter parameters: the difference with the control was 8.2 % in pre-slaughter weight, 14.1 % in slaughter weight and 3.7 % in slaughter yield. The liver weight did not undergo any variations in favor of one group or another, and the histological structure of this organ indicated the absence of any pathological processes. Accumulation of iodine in muscle tissue was noted in all experimental groups: in those receiving 1 % Cladophora – 4.8 times, 0.5 % – 2.7 times, and 0.25 % – 1.7 times. Differences with the control were reliable in all cases. Increasing the caloric content of young meat reduces the content of phosphorus and calcium and increases the concentration of iodine. An increase in the concentration of phosphorus reduces the concentration of calcium, and an increased concentration of iodine reduces the content of both calcium and phosphorus.
Keywords: filamentous algae Cladophora, feed supplements, rabbits, live weight, slaughter values, caloric content, iodine
Acknowledgements. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant № 24-66-00001, https://rscf.ru/project/24-66-00001/
For citation: Ostapchuk P. S., Shadrin N. V., Prazukin A. V., Anufriieva E. V., Kuevda T. A., Firsov Yu. K., Zubochenko D. V., Makalish T. P. Effects of the Cladophora green filamentous algae supplements in the young rabbits' diet on their growth and development. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2025; 25 (01): 61‒73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32417/1997-4868-2025-25-01-61-73 (In Russ.)
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