Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


To the 50th anniversary of the report to the Club of Rome “Limits to Growth”. Russia’s potential in solving the world food problem


Yu. A. Ovsyannikov

Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Abstract. The paper analyzes the role of grain production in providing the planet’s population with food. This issue is considered in the aspect of the first report to the Club of Rome “Limits to Growth”. It was made 50 years ago, which was the reason for evaluating the forecasts made and analyzing the state of the level of food security. The purpose of the research is to assess the level of food security of the world’s population and analyze the role of individual countries in solving this problem. The scientific novelty consisted in a comprehensive study of relevant statistical materials reflecting the potential of Russia in increasing world grain production and solving the world food problem. To do this, an analysis was made of the growth of the population on the planet and the rate of increase in grain production in the period from 2011 to 2020, the yield of grain crops and the possibility of its increase in different countries, including Russia. It was determined that over the years the world grain harvest has increased at a faster rate than the population. These indicators amounted to 10.8 and 18.1 %, respectively. At the same time, the growth in wheat production, which is the basis for food production, amounted to only 8.9 %. The article assesses the role of individual countries, including Russia, in solving the world food problem. Methods. The study was conducted using systemic, statistical and historical analyzes, as well as methods of comparison and generalization. Results. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the potential of a number of countries to increase grain production has been exhausted. This is manifested in the absence of positive dynamics in the productivity of agricultural crops. At the same time, in Russia during the period under review, grain yields increased by 26 %. An analysis was made of the possibility of increasing grain production in Russia through more efficient use of land resources. He showed that Russia in this direction has significant advantages compared to other countries. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the analysis made can be used in determining the directions for the development of the agricultural sector, assessing Russia in solving the world food problem, compiling and evaluating models of global development, as well as in educational activities.

Keywords: Club of Rome, global problems, world food problem, population, food production, grain, crops, productivity, grain harvest, arable land, agricultural area, mineral fertilizers, abandoned land.

For citation: Ovsyannikov Yu. A. K 50-letiyu doklada Rimskomu klubu “Predely rosta”. Potentsial Rossii v reshenii mirovoy prodovol’stvennoy problemy [To the 50th anniversary of the report to the Club of Rome “Limits to Growth”. Russia’s potential in solving the world food problem] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2022. No. 06 (221). Pp. 88–98. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2022-219-04-88-98. (In Russian.)

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